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Amiga Tribute: Entity



The nameless heroine from Entity

Part 19/24 of my Amiga tribute project >3

Heh, slowly but surely, I'm getting these done. Aaaanyways, today we have a game you could might as well call "Because Boobs", but it's actual name is Entity.

Heh, where do I start... well, maybe lets start by saying this game sucks, it sucks as much as a prostitute the main heroine was probably inspired by... and yet it was a VERY successful game sales wise. Why? Because boobs.

Seriously, first we have the "story", which is about our heroine who does apparently not have a name, and her struggle against the titular, yet similarly unnamed "entity". The "entity" is some kind of evil space deity that has freshly escaped it's cliche space confinement, and a good space deity faces out heroine and goes "there's no time to explain" on her, or at least that's what appears to be the most likely scenario as the intro features no explanation (nor does the manual), and we see the good space deity appearing before our heroine and teleporting her to a distant planet to save it from the evil "entity", but not before shifting her wardrobe from casual clothes to a skimpy latex suit which apparently gives her mystical powers so she can shoot fireballs at stuff.

And speaking of fireballs, now a few words about the gameplay. It sucks.
For one, anyone who's seen the screenshots was fooled that the game looks good, with great graphics and all, too bad the graphics, as nice as it looks, is just a cheap wallaper without any parallax, with some sprites running around on it... and that is actually a serious flaw with this kind of graphics, for one, you can never determnine what is what, whether a part of the cheap wallpaper is supposed to be a platform or a pitfall, you will never know unless you try and jump on it...
That, and getting back to the fireballs, they do shit... seriously, even though you can fire them at different angles, it only goes from the horizontal line of your fists and UP... what's the big deal you might ask, hehe, consider this, most of the enemies you face are BELOW your fists horizontal line, and you CAN'T hit 'em even when crouching XD so yeah, what good are fancy fireballs when your enemy will kill you by gnawing on your ankles and there is NOTHING you can do about it XD

Heh, and to top it all off, you don't actually do anything, yes, your actions have absolutely NO impact on the ending, as when you are battling the evil "entity", the good space deity comes and defeats it instead, effectively making your whole trip to another planet completely obsolete XD

So yeah, with all that you might wonder how this game outselled a lot of really great Amiga title... the answer, because boobs...
Heh, as shallow as it may be, sex sells and has always sold, and it's not like we had a whole lot of fanservice in video games back in the days. The fames Peach or Samus were pixelated messes, and nobody, NOBODY cared for either anyway, fighting games had Chun Li and Mai Shiranui, but first you had to be lucky enough to even know they existed (not all countries got these games easily, at least not FF2), and no, before you ask, Lara Croft wasn't even invented XD (and I was actually asked that when I mentioned the lack of fanservice in the early 90's XD).
So yeah, back then this nameless babe was enough to sell the game. Didn't do her much good considering there is not a single piece of fanart of this game. And yes, that is partially why I decided to include it in my tribute project, partially out of pity (c'mon, she didn't even have a name, so lets at least let her have some fanart |D), partially because I wanted to highlight how such a bad game could sell well with cheap fanservice, partially because I wanted to go AVGN on an Amiga game, and parially... because boobs XD

Other parts of the project - Shadow Of The Beast, Shadow Fighter, Zool, The Chaos Engine, Superfrog, Skeleton Krew, The Speris Legacy, Flashback, Agony, Brutal: Paws of Fury, Fightin' Spirit, Ruff 'N' Tumble, SwitchBlade, Lionheart, The Lost Vikings, Brian The Lion, Wolfchild, Gods, Entity, Franko: The Crazy Revenge, Hired Guns, Turrican, The Killing Game Show, Yo! Joe!

The nameless heroine (c) Loriciels
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Kai45's avatar
Awww she deserves a name
I wonder if you will get flocked by her fans since there's no other fan art